Useful Information
If you've recently moved to the Copse or want reminding on certain rules or how things work then this page will highlight when and how things occur. Please also find our privacy policy at the bottom of the page.
Bins are collected every Tuesday Morning. General waste is collected one week, with Garden Green waste (Brown top bin) and Recyclable waste (Blue top bin) being collected together on the next week. Collection times do vary after Bank Holidays. You can print out a personal collection calendar from Horsham District Council at Horsham District Council. Please place all bins on the verge next to the kerb with the handle facing towards the road. The best time to do this is Monday evening ready for when they come early Tuesday Morning.
Household Waste
There is a council run waste disposal depot at Billingshurst - opening times vary - please check. Further information can be obtained from this link regarding all matters regarding to household waste. Click Here for a list of local places to dispose household waste.
Village Website
The West Chiltington Village website gives detials of the local groups, activities and matters affecting the residents (such as poor broadband speed or mobile phone reception). It is run by local people for the local people and is a great place to start for information about the village.
Sat Nav
As residents are probably aware, if you enter the postcode RH20 2NE into the sat nav it will take you to the spur at the centre of the Copse. Please remind your visitors that there is a direction map at the beginning of the Copse for the rest of the properties or go to our Maps page
Parish Council
The West Chiltington Parish Council website contains a wealth of information about the village in gerenal, issues affecting the local residents, dates for your diary, planning issues as well as details of parish meetings to which residents are invited.
Dark Skies
The NCRA supports The South Downs National Park (SDNP) policy to encourage dark skies within Nyetimber Copse.
Southern Water
If you suffer any problems with your fresh water supply and waste water (Sewage) pipes please contact Southern Water direct on 0330 3030368. Southern Water are responsible for the cost of any repairs outside your property boundary.
If you are considering any major work on the trees in your garden or on the grass verge please contact the Residents Association before you start any work - as we have responsibility for the management of the Copses trees. We try to work with the Tree Preservation Officer at Horsham DC and our own tree surgeon to keep the Copse looking at its best. The trees are an important part of our environment and we must all be aware of the impact on any work undertaken. The Committee will happily give advice if you need it.
Road sweeping
From time to time the NRCA will organise road sweeping of the verges to take place, The NRCA will notify residents when this will occur.